"Viettel has completed the mission of "Popularizing telecommunications services" for all Vietnamese people and now, we desire to pioneer in "Creating a digital society" in Vietnam.

Mr. Tao Duc Thang

Chairman and General Director

Viettel Group


In the early 2000s, when Vietnam's mobile phone density accounted for only 5 percent, Viettel wished to universalize mobile services, with the promise of a caring innovator for a better life of Vietnam.

Twenty years later, Vietnam has a telephone connection density of up to 130 percent. Nearly 60 percent of Viettel's customers use smartphones with 4G broadband Internet connection. Viettel also opened a trial to provide 5G mobile services to customers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, a network that integrates 5G devices manufactured by Viettel. Viettel's mission of universalizing telecommunications to Vietnamese people has been completed!

However, Viettel's brand promise of being a "caring innovator for a better life of Vietnam" will remain as Viettel continually nurture the desire to bring digital technology into all facades of social life, to serve people and create a digital society in Vietnam.

Repositioning the brand, Viettel affirms our strong determination in its commitment. This is a profound change in mindset, action and future direction for a new digital age.

An innovative Viettel with a sharing and understanding heart now continues to bring high technology into life and make it better every day. Here in Viettel, every member of this society can resonate and shine, together we can create the digital era in Vietnam.



Billion USD


Most valuable
brand in the world


Most valuable
telecom brands
in the world


Most valuable
telecom brands
in Asia


Most valuable
telecom brand
in Southeast Asia


Caring Innovator

Create for a better life


Pioneering to create a digital society

Pioneering in building digital platforms to enable individuals and organizations to create their own values ​​and resonate different values ​​for synergy.

Brand Philosophy


Serving each customer in a unique way, our philosophy of diversity not only emphasizes the personalization upon needs and experience, but also elevates that message: harmonize and converge individuals to make a difference with synergy.

Resonance is a prerequisite to open new opportunities and affirm the position of Viettel's brand: modern, diverse and large-scale, with national responsibility and international vision.


With care, comprehension and compassion at heart, Viettel honors individuality and works to promote human connection. Listening to every need and desire, we encourage people to express themselves in their own way.

Viettel innovates for people for a better life. People is the driving force for Viettel to push forward, pioneer in the era of changes and unlock potentials within new realities. At Viettel, creativity goes beyond tangible products and services. It is the endless inspiration for new ideas and breakthrough thinking to create a better life for people.

Viettel's flame is ignited from a desire - to create a better future, from which new sources of energy come and drive Viettel beyond limits, overcoming challenges and conquering new heights. It also motivates Viettelers to think big, reach far, innovate and contribute to fulfilling the national responsibilities.


The timeless message

More than just a tagline under the logo, "your way" is the key message, wrapping the Viettel brand story to transform internal strength and resonating into energy. You are Viettel's heart, you are the destination and also the inspiration behind every decision, every product, every solution, every effort of Viettel.

Proud to be Red

Viettel's red color brings the youth energy, enthusiasm and passion to send to customers via every product. It demonstrates the breakthrough, pioneering bravery as well as the desire for innovation in a transforming world in the technology era.

And above all, red is the national color, the Vietnam pride, the mission to lead, the resonance power coming from millions of Vietnamese hearts.

  • spot PANTONE® 185
  • cmyk 0 100 90 0
  • rgb 238 0 51
  • hex EE0033

Light gray

  • spot N/A
  • cmyk 0 0 0 5
  • rgb 242 242 242
  • hex F2F2F2

Middle gray

  • spot PANTONE® 421
  • cmyk 30 24 25 0
  • rgb 181 180 180
  • hex B5B5B5

Heavy gray

  • spot PANTONE® 425
  • cmyk 20 10 10 80
  • rgb 68 73 77
  • hex 44494D


  • spot PANTONE® BLACK6
  • cmyk 30 40 30 100
  • rgb 0 0 0
  • hex 000000

The symbol of Technology and Diversity

VIETTEL logo is simplified with lowercase letters to show openness and friendliness. The dot above the word "i" is stylized as an icon of an electronic conversation frame to preserve the spirit of respect and compassion, as well as serve people as separate individuals. It ALSO SHOWS the TRANSFORMATION of Viettel from a telco to a DIGITAL SERVICE PROVIDER.


The timeless message

More than just a tagline under the logo, "your way" is the key message, wrapping the Viettel brand story to transform internal strength and resonating into energy. You are Viettel's heart, you are the destination and also the inspiration behind every decision, every product, every solution, every effort of Viettel.


Tự hào sắc đỏ Viettel

Viettel's red color brings the youth energy, enthusiasm and passion to send to customers via every product. It demonstrates the breakthrough, pioneering bravery as well as the desire for innovation in a transforming world in the technology era.

And above all, red is the national color, the Vietnam pride, the mission to lead, the resonance power coming from millions of Vietnamese hearts.

  • spot PANTONE® 185
  • cmyk 0 100 90 0
  • rgb 238 0 51
  • hex EE0033

Light gray

  • spot N/A
  • cmyk 0 0 0 5
  • rgb 242 242 242
  • hex F2F2F2

Middle gray

  • spot PANTONE® 421
  • cmyk 30 24 25 0
  • rgb 181 180 180
  • hex B5B5B5

Heavy gray

  • spot PANTONE® 425
  • cmyk 20 10 10 80
  • rgb 68 73 77
  • hex 44494D


  • spot PANTONE® BLACK6
  • cmyk 30 40 30 100
  • rgb 0 0 0
  • hex 000000


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